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World of Warcraft
Players Statistics
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Admin List
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Mute List
Game Date Type Player Admin Reason Length
2021-12-24 NIF CONSOLE Please read !rules
30 Min.
2021-12-23 Valge CONSOLE Please read !rules
30 Min.
2021-12-19 frenzy otasy toxic
30 Min.
2021-12-19 frenzy otasy toxic
30 Min.
2021-12-19 crazy black bo... otasy
30 Min.
2021-12-18 simtem otasy
30 Min.
2021-12-18 simtem otasy Mic spam
3 Days
2021-12-18 Freesies CONSOLE Mic spam
3 Days
2021-12-14 reffy otasy rahune
30 Min.
2021-12-13 [I⁧⁧[T CONSOLE Please read !rules
30 Min.
2021-12-06 su ema on mu v... CONSOLE Muted through BaseComm natives Session
2021-12-06 su ema on mu v... CONSOLE Gagged through BaseComm natives Session
2021-12-05 i used to be d... CONSOLE Muted through BaseComm natives Session
2021-12-05 i used to be d... viazy Inappropriate Language
30 Min.
2021-12-05 valdek viazy Inappropriate Language
2 h.
2021-12-04 Teet viazy Inappropriate Language
1 h.
2021-12-04 Teet CONSOLE Please read !rules
30 Min.
2021-12-04 p6mmu viazy Inappropriate Language
30 Min.
2021-12-04 p6mmu viazy Inappropriate Language
1 h.
2021-12-04 Russu CONSOLE Gagged through BaseComm natives Session
2021-12-04 Russu CONSOLE Muted through BaseComm natives Session
2021-12-03 Teqkoi CONSOLE Please read !rules
30 Min.
2021-12-03 Kardozka CONSOLE Please read !rules
30 Min.
2021-12-01 [I⁧⁧[T greggy sõnavara
3 h.
2021-11-28 taruqo otasy toxic
30 Min.
2021-11-27 crazy ass whit... otasy
2021-11-27 Freesies otasy
30 Min.
2021-11-24 Palm greggy Inappropriate Language
3 h.
2021-11-22 au7ist viazy Inappropriate Language
30 Min.
2021-11-20 SEMIR GERKHAN viazy Inappropriate Language
1 Week
2021-11-20 SEMIR GERKHAN viazy Inappropriate Language
1 Week
2021-11-20 Freesies ♡ otasy anub unmute
30 Min.
2021-11-20 Freesies ♡ otasy mic spam
30 Min.
2021-11-19 Cariño CONSOLE Muted through BaseComm natives Session
2021-11-19 kolo greggy sõnavara
3 h.
2021-11-12 vahetasin ara ... viazy Admin disrespect
12 h.
2021-11-12 vahetasin ara ... viazy Admin disrespect
12 h.
2021-11-12 sten viazy Inappropriate Language
30 Min.
2021-11-12 crazy ass whit... CONSOLE Muted through BaseComm natives Session
2021-11-11 Võmbola viazy Inappropriate Language
1 Week
2021-11-11 kolo CONSOLE mic spam
1 h.
2021-11-11 kolo CONSOLE mic spam
1 h.
2021-11-10 bruhreggie CONSOLE Muted through BaseComm natives Session
2021-11-07 Raz CONSOLE Gagged through BaseComm natives Session
2021-11-07 Rinix viazy Inappropriate Language
1 h.
2021-11-07 Art CONSOLE Please read !rules
30 Min.
2021-11-01 Vanajumal CONSOLE Please read !rules
30 Min.
2021-11-01 Nofyn| ur in m... CONSOLE Please read !rules
30 Min.
2021-10-26 Vanajumal CONSOLE Please read !rules
30 Min.
2021-10-24 Vanajumal CONSOLE Please read !rules
30 Min.
2021-10-16 wkujn otasy
30 Min.
2021-10-13 TheNoRealDebil CONSOLE Muted through BaseComm natives Session
2021-10-13 T1mple CONSOLE Muted through BaseComm natives Session
2021-10-11 Raz greggy Spam in chat/voice
2 h.
2021-10-11 Freesies CONSOLE Muted through BaseComm natives Session
2021-10-09 Randy CONSOLE Muted through BaseComm natives Session
2021-10-08 dishwasher CONSOLE Please read !rules
30 Min.
2021-10-07 Бабушка машет CONSOLE Please read !rules
30 Min.
2021-10-06 crazy ass whit... greggy mic spam
3 h.
2021-10-05 KalliKunn CONSOLE Please read !rules
30 Min.
2021-10-05 karakan CONSOLE Muted through BaseComm natives Session
2021-10-04 YXNG otasy
30 Min.
2021-10-04 zai otasy
2021-10-03 wkujn CONSOLE Muted through BaseComm natives Session
2021-09-26 M9 greggy mute evasion
5 h.
2021-09-26 Игорь Вазовски... greggy sõnavara
6 h.
2021-09-26 kõrv❤ greggy rassism
6 h.
2021-09-25 wakanda otasy
30 Min.
2021-09-25 xbox 720 otasy
30 Min.
2021-09-24 wkujn greggy sõnavara
2 h.
2021-09-13 sparkk CONSOLE Please read !rules
30 Min.
2021-09-12 bruhreggie greggy toxic
3 h.
2021-09-08 PapaKaspar CONSOLE Muted through BaseComm natives Session
2021-09-05 tHANNIG otasy
30 Min.
2021-09-01 [IT] greggy Mic spam
4 h.
2021-09-01 [I⁧⁧T] CONSOLE Muted through BaseComm natives Session
2021-09-01 Raz CONSOLE Please read !rules
30 Min.
2021-08-31 [IT] greggy Rassism
3 h.
2021-08-31 HITLER greggy rassism
2021-08-31 hagrid greggy rassism
3 h.